**1863' 3+1房 *東南向雙露台 *全銀河馬場景+橫琴海景, 絕美景色 一覽無遺,
*超筍一口售HK$1,349萬; 約睇 請電: 66832479 (微信同號)
Just take a look at the premises, please feel free to contact Noel by phone or Wechat anytime at 66832479 and you're always cordially welcome!
**星級豪宅特色單位 *無敵靚景; 鳳凰層全銀河馬場+橫琴海景 3111呎 5+1房4厠 特色大廚房 巨大2廳雙露台+主人房露台 筍一口售HK$3888萬; 約睇請電: 66832479 (微信同號) *直接免佣 Agency fee free! Just take a look at the premises, please feel free to contact Noel by phone or Wechat anytime at 66832479 and you're always cordially welcome!