- 按揭成數%
- 還款年限年
- 年息%
- 類型 住宅
- 地區 氹仔氹仔
- 屋苑 盈翠山莊
- 座期 不詳
- 樓層 氹仔3房3露台荀盤
- 單元 不詳
- 間隔 3房2廳2廁2露台
- 座向 東南
- 建面 4000呎² @2,495372米² @26,828
- 實面 2856呎² @3,494265米² @37,660
- 電梯 有電梯
- 樓齡 不詳
- 景觀 開揚景
- 景觀描述 不詳
- 裝修 不詳
- 裝修等級 靚裝
- 裝修描述 不詳
- 其他 連傢私,連電器
- 備注 盈翠山莊,位於氹仔半山豪宅區,業主移民要甩手,決定益街坊,以998萬@2446/呎放售!! 呎价平過唐樓!! 4080呎 3房2套,大廳前後大露台,廚房有洗衣房、雜物房及大陽台,業主為外國人,家裡帶中西文化裝修,感覺舒適,優雅。歡迎約看: Pansy 黃小姐 66168381 或 65659294 Jade Garden is a luxury residential property in Macau Taipa, on the hill. The owner is emigrating and is selling the property at a below-market price of HKD 9.98 M @2446/sq.ft. This is more than just a tenement flat! It's 4080 sq. ft. with three bedrooms and two suites, a large balcony at the front and back of the living room, a kitchen with laundry room, utility room and large balcony. The owner is a foreigner who has decorated the property with a combination of Chinese and Western culture. It's comfortable and elegant. If you're interested, please contact Ms Pansy Wong on 66168381 or 65659294.
- 補充資料 不詳
*有關樓宇廣告之法定資訊及資料, 請向中介查詢
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