- 樓齡:30-40年
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出售/租 澳門 辦公室 核心南灣區 中華廣場 $880萬港幣($906萬澳門幣) $18,000 港幣/月 $18,500澳門幣/月 1,180建呎 76.7實米 高層H 澳門大會堂 八角亭斜對面 近新馬路 交通方便 食肆林立 鄰近政府機構跟銀行服務 信一地產 蕭生 6338 6190 For Sale/Lease Office Macau CBD China Plaza $8.8m HKD ($9.06m MOP) $18k HKD/month $18.5k MOP/month 1,180 sf gross (76.7 sm S.A.) High floor H This prime location on Nam Van Road is situated across from Cineteatro Macau, near San Ma Lo, which is an amazing central location with easy access to public transit and services. Numerous government departments, banks and professionals are situated in this area. Faithful Property Danny Siu 6338 6190
售 港幣 $880 萬租 港幣 $18,000 元美景大廈
放售 地鋪 澳門 氹仔市區 美景花園步行街 港幣$2,980萬 澳門幣$3,070萬 1,228建呎 79.88實米 高樓底 5類飲食牌照 罕有氹仔市區盤 趁低吸納 機不可失 信一地產 蕭生 6338 6190 For Sale Retail Macau Taipa Mei Keng Fa Un HKD $29.8M MOP $30.7M 1,228 sf gross 79.88 sm S.A. This turnkey restaurant unit is located in the densely populated area of Taipa where high rises, schools and eateries line the streets. This pedestrian only street design is unique to this part of Taipa and attracts residents from all over Taipa to visit on a daily basis. Invest before the rates get lower and prices rise! Faithful Property Danny Siu 6338.6190
售 港幣 $2,980 萬東南亞花園01座高層T
出售 澳門 辦公室 核心皇朝區 東南亞商業中心 $500萬港幣($515萬澳門幣) 758建呎 49.28實米 高層T 可配車位 交通方便 食肆林立 猶如香港銅鑼灣 無敵靚景 信一地產 蕭生 6338 6190 For Sale Office Macau Dynasty Tong Nam A $5.0M HKD ($5.15M MOP) 758 sf gross (49.28 sm S.A.) High floor T This prime location is situated in the central area of the Dynasty district, which is an amazing location with easy access to public transit and services. This unit has amazing views of the waters that few units have in Macau. Faithful Property Danny Siu 6338 6190
售 港幣 $500 萬- 售 港幣 $880 萬租 港幣 $18,000 元
- 售 港幣 $2,500 萬